Electrical Mapping

An electrical map is

a floor plan of your house with symbols for outlets, lights, fans, and other utilities. Each symbol has a number on it indicating which circuit breaker it's wired to.

We think it's easier

to comprehend than the scrawled abbreviations we've seen on peeling bits of masking tape in most breaker boxes.

Don't you?

Our goal is to create

an affordable and quality electrical mapping service, starting right here in the Hollywood Hills, and then branching out to other service areas.

Get Mapped

We're working on streamlining

the mapping process, and to make it universally compatible we want to work with the greatest variety of houses we can.

If your house is old, new, large, or small, please request a service appointment.

We'll make you a map

complete with 3-way switches, GFCIs, 240V sockets and more, install it in your breaker box, and give you a digital copy.

We'll also generate a report of any mis-wired outlets, overloaded circuits, or other electrical hazards we discover.

Please let us know

how to contact you so we can arrange a time to map your house's electrical system.

**The first dozen customers will receive the mapping service free of charge**